Thursday, October 15, 2009

Welcome, Fall

October is the greatest month of the year for many reasons, but the top two are, in order of importance, 1) My Birthday, a.k.a. My Own Personal Holiday, and 2) HALLOWEEN!
This year, I'll be 29, and believe it or not, I'm not terrified of turning 30. In fact, all I ever hear about is how women in their 30s are in the prime of their lives. I've heard that sex gets better, for one thing, and that can't be bad. I know that the older I get, I less I want to be younger again. My 20s have been great, but also incredibly confusing in a lot of ways. I'm beginning to recognize and truly enjoy the wisdom I gain with age, as well as the fact that the older I get, the more seriously I'm taken by strangers on the street (or in bars, or restaurants, or stores, et cetera), which in turn gives me more confidence. I'm finally learning to appreciate my health because it's not so obvious anymore. I get incredibly annoyed by kids (kids!) in their early 20s and find myself preferring a quiet night in with friends instead of a crazy night at a house party with strangers.
One thing that hasn't changed with age is the second reason that October is awesome: Halloween! It's my FAVORITE time of year, no contest. I LOVE costumes and the creativity that comes with them. My all time best costume ever was my Miss Piggy costume from last year where I GLUED A LATEX PIG NOSE TO MY FACE. It was epic. I'm going cheap this year and working on what should amount to a fan-freaking-tastic clown costume, as long as the cats quit stealing my felt polka dots. I know, clown costumes are bland and boring and usually only occur when you don't have enough time to come up with something else, so you throw on some white face paint, a red nose, some clothes that are too big and mis-matched and a wig, if you have one. I'm trying to take it to the next level, though, by making it clear that I've been thinking of and working on this costume for several weeks. The hardest part will be deciding how I want to paint my face. Scary, killer klown? Funny, rainbow, kid's party clown? Drunk, cracked-out wasted clown? The possibilities are endless!

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