In other news, there was/is a creature in my attic, or maybe its in the walls, and it SQUEAKS and SQUEAKS and is completely freaking me out. Pretty sure its a bat, since we've had bats in the attic many times before. Its annoying, for sure, but in the summertime, it doesn't bother me too too much. However, its cold as shit outside right now, and there's snow everywhere, including all over the roof, so I'm guessing the little dude is stuck and unable to figure out how to get outside, so its panicked and wandering aimlessly around the attic, squeaking its poor, little bat head off. (Side note, it had stopped squeaking for the last hour or so, but I just heard it start up again! WAH!)
I suppose I have a couple of options here. First, I could try to ignore it and just let it die up there (and then rot, in my attic, which is really no more than a couple feet of open, unusable space between the acoustic, drop ceiling tiles, so GROSS). Or, I could remove one of the tiles, get the step stool out and hope it figures out how to fly down into the house, whereupon I would catch and release it. But I would have to release it outside, into the extreme, snowy cold, where it would still die a horrible, cold, sad death. Either way, I can't save it. So I guess I'll leave it.
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