Wednesday, December 2, 2009

More Strange Slumber

Last night, there were two more weird dreams. Actually, I dreamed several times last night, but two of them were bizarre and not fun at all. The first was a sort of recurring one that I have once in a while. It's always a little different, but the heinous part is always the same--my entire world is INFESTED with spiders. This one took place in my house, but it wasn't quite the same as it is now (common amongst dreams, I think, and so strange). It was a little bigger and the north and south side each had huge picture windows in them, out of which I could see a forest and the side of a hill on the north side, though the south side was the same as it normally is, I think. It must've also been a duplex because there was a certain spot that creaked and groaned a lot when someone upstairs walked over it. Dude and I shared the bedroom (that is actually our spare bedroom) and my mom lived in the other bedroom. So yeah, my boyfriend and I were living with my mom. Awesome. Anyway, out of my mom's picture window, we saw three or four huge, brown bears meandering through the forest. They didn't scare us at all, though, and I think that's because we were completely preoccupied with the SPIDERS. There were literally thousands of them. The top of the curtains over each picture window were black with spiders. Every corner was black and they dangled in my face from webs on the ceiling. They were all over the floor and crawling all over the walls. They were in our beds and all over the furniture. They were all sizes; from tiny and relatively normal looking to palm sized, neon and hairy. Most of them were all black with spindly legs and huge, fat abdomens with yellow, green, red and blue stripes or spots (you know, the kind of coloring that warns other creatures to stay the fuck away because this guy is poisonous as hell and will KILL you). I was in a constant state of panic. I don't remember any other details, except that right before I woke up, my mom and I were discussing leaving the house for a few days and spider bombing while we're gone.
The next dream happened after I'd woken up and recovered from the spider dream and it was the kind where you know you must be dreaming because there's no way that the insane shit going on could actually be happening in real life, but you can't wake yourself up so you just freak out the whole time. In this one, Dude was wearing the puffy shirt from the infamous Seinfeld episode and had somehow met (maybe through work? or maybe he was a teacher?) a chick in high school and the chick developed a massive crush on him. He was extremely flattered by it, and even though I was fuming, he wouldn't tell her to leave him alone. So she just kept showing up at our house, fawning all over him and pissing me off. At one point, I remember getting her out the door and then shoving her off the steps onto the concrete below. I thought for a second that I'd killed her, but she opened her eyes when I shook her. I don't know if it was her head, her nose or her mouth, but she was bleeding from the face, and I remember feeling very satisfied about that. So then she ran home and came back to my house with her mother. Dude wasn't home anymore then (gone to work, maybe), so I dealt with the two of them by myself. The mom was wearing some nail polish of mine that she said Dude had given her and therefore, they won and I couldn't live there with him anymore. Apparently the nail polish was very significant, because that was the point where I gave up, said, 'Fine, you can have him,' grabbed my purse and left. That must've been the end of that one because I don't remember anything else after that.
The vast majority of the time, I love dreaming. Even when it's something weird or something that would scare someone else, I usually enjoy the hell out of it and would almost always rather go back to the fun dream that get up when I wake up. These were not like that at all, though, and the ones from the previous post were also not dreams I wanted to continue. I really hope this doesn't become a regular thing. I don't want to worry about going to sleep at night.

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