The move to NM has been successfully completed. I've been here for almost three weeks now, and so far, so good. Dude should be joining me in another month or so, and I've got the cats with me, thank goodness, or else I'd be one lonely, sad sack right now. If it weren't for the cats, I'd have a dog by now, for sure.
Classes started last week, and getting back into the swing of having actual homework to do is strange, but not bad, probably because I only have two real classes this semester. I'm starting another class this week, only this one is purely voluntary and much different than my other ones. The university offers tons of work-out type classes every day, all day, for free to students, and I'm checking out pilates today. I've done pilates at home before, and I don't hate it the way I hate most work-outs. The best work-out I've ever had was water aerobics, so I might try that class tomorrow. Either way, I simply must take advantage of the fact that there're free classes at my disposal, every day and all day. Pushing 30 has really made me aware of my metabolism, and the fact that it's been slower and slower every year since 25. There's no reason at all for me to be unhappy about my body, especially when I have the classes at my disposal.
I should also be able to pick up my financial aid check tomorrow, deposit it into my new bank account tomorrow afternoon, and finally, finally, finally, buy a new couch on Friday! I can't WAIT to have real furniture in the giant, beautiful and currently empty living room! It's the only thing I'm willing to spend a significant bit of money on by buying it new instead of used, so I'm going to make the most of it and get a huge, sweet sectional that me, Dude and all three cats can be on at the same time, without touching each other. That probably sounds like something really strange to be excited about, but it's a big deal for me. The old living room was tiny, and the one, regular sized couch we had barely accommodated both of us. I want space to sprawl and I want us both to be able to fall asleep on the couch without getting in each other's way. Everything else will be bought used from the various used furniture places here, or from Craigslist. The next things on the list are an office desk with tons of storage and a dresser for the rest of my clothes that won't fit in my closet. It's slow going, but I love furnishing a new place!